Photo from last week's Silicon Valley trip
Scurrying out into the Yahoo! parking lot:
More about the trip here.
Tags: MBA UW University of Washington Yahoo!
Scurrying out into the Yahoo! parking lot:
More about the trip here.
Tags: MBA UW University of Washington Yahoo!
Posted by
7:30 AM
Categories: MBA
Nasty day in the stock market today.
Is there a correlation, I wonder, between the severity of an imbroglio and the length of the sentence that describes it?
"Around 2:00 pm today the market's extraordinarily heavy trading volume caused a delay in the Dow Jones data systems and as a result, the calculation of the Dow Jones Industrial Average temporarily lagged behind the market decline and as we identified the problem we decided to switch over to a back-up system and the result was a rapid catch-up in the published value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average," explained a Dow Jones spokeswoman.I can't help it, folks. It's the editor in me.
Tags: run-on sentence stock market imbroglio Dow Jones editing required
Posted by
8:12 PM
My friends in Metaverse Technology directed my attention to something Yahoo! has been up to lately: Pipes. If only I had some time to play around with that right now! I'll make a note to check it out in detail during Spring break.
Posted by
11:14 PM
Categories: Internet trends
Thursday night, I flew down to Silicon Valley for a whirlwind company tour with a group of classmates. Bryan Tomlinson, who coordinates employer relations at our career center, did a great job organizing the whole event.
Tags: MBA UW University of Washington Apple Google Yahoo Alaska Airlines culture intern
Posted by
3:28 PM
I'm about to head down to the airport to join a group of my classmates -- we're travelling south to San Jose tonight. Tomorrow, we'll be doing a whirlwind tour of three very interesting companies: Yahoo in the morning, Apple during lunch, and Google in the afternoon.
Off I go! I'll post more about this on my return.
Tags: MBA UW University of Washington
Posted by
5:50 PM
Categories: MBA
A few weeks ago, I interviewed with Microsoft for a marketing internship position. A week or so later, they sent me a rejection email. I've been thinking about this and talking it over with folks, and I think part of what sunk me were my responses to case questions. I encountered questions such as the following:
Tags: case interview MBA marketing internship
Posted by
12:15 AM
Categories: MBA
Oy -- I just noticed that there are now over 100 emails in my Gmail inbox, so it extends to a second page. I'd been trying to keep it under 30, but things got too busy today. I had an excellent informational interview with a Hitachi consultant in the morning, but that was out in Factoria, so I had to do some bus-juggling to get back to campus in time to meet with my team. We spent over two hours discussing our group paper for Strategy, and from there I zipped directly to another meeting...
...After that was through, it was about 2:30 and I realized I was rather hungry! Had an afternoon sushi meal, came home and took a nap (which was essential), got up at 5pm and basically worked from then until now on our group paper.
And now: sleep. Tomorrow starts off early at 7:30 with a breakfast with the Dean ... and tomorrow ends late at 9pm or so, when I finish meeting with my business plan team.
Posted by
12:51 AM
Categories: MBA
Time seems to be whipping right along this quarter. And lo and behold, midterms are here! I like finance a lot, but I suspect this morning's midterm did not reciprocate my affections. We shall see. I'm currently studying at Victrola for tomorrow's macroeconomics midterm. I'm hopped up on coffee and getting crazy with the IS/LM Model.
I remember, back last quarter, when I aspired to a stellar GPA. Those days are over, and it's a relief to "embrace the curve" as I hear many of my classmates saying right now. Slaving away for top grades is all well and good, but if you're in an MBA program, you do this at the expense of everything else: student leadership opportunities, projects in the business community, volunteering, interviewing for internships, etc. Those are the things I've been spending much more time with, and I'm feeling good about that.
Still, though, it's a balancing act, and I'm drilling back down into the academics tonight.
Just for fun (to procrastinate from my econ studying for just a few moments), I proffer you this look into my upcoming schedule:
Posted by
9:47 PM
Categories: MBA