Linkalicious: 7/2/07
A few stories have piqued my interest over the past few days...
- LinkedIn is hiring new staff and preparing for its upcoming IPO. Should it be worried about Facebook encroaching on its territory? I think not. Sure, you can do your professional networking on Facebook, too, but there are all those random applications littering your profile, and the not-so-professional photos. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is the online equivalent of the events you wear your suit to.
- Is there any connection between Neanderthals and modern humans? Perhaps we'll find out!
- Chronic disease has quadrupled among children.
We will see much greater expenditures for people in their 20s than we ever saw before, and no one is thinking how we should prepare for that....We call it an epidemic.
- You should drink coffee instead of soda in the morning.

Tags: LinkedIn Facebook neanderthal coffee soda chronic illness
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